>I must say when reading your posts i have some qestions, who come that a man like you, working on Bhetel , end upp in this apostate life, I dont think I read this , so if you want to tell why and how, i am listen to what you going to tell, as you now i am ongoing JW, former elder, who feel a lot fore the peopel on this site, even fore you my friend.
happy man
JoinedPosts by happy man
Cardinal Law
by comforter inbernard law hath resigned.
boston archidiocese in trouble.
the destruction of btg is near.
Bigg news fore europe today
by happy man in.
today in copenhagen european union was growing from 15 to 25 countries, a new bigg power on earth, perhaps the king of north is start to show hes face, who now?.
perhaps you peopel in us dont understand but this is a bigg day in the history of europe, we hope now to never again see wordwar start in europe as has been two times , 1914, 1939.. who could belive this 10 years ago, east and west europe in one organisaition, so now we are almost like the states in us.. some fear this wery much and think germany and france will rule and decide evrything, here in sweden we soon must decide if we want to have the same money as the rest of europe, euro is the name of the coin, son we can not decide fore our selfs, evrything must be decided in eu.. exaiting and perhaps we now walk on the way to peace fore a long time, or we walk on the way to destruction , what do you europeans peopel here think will happend?
happy man
Today in Copenhagen european union was growing from 15 to 25 countries, a new bigg power on earth, perhaps the king of north is start to show hes face, who now?
Perhaps you peopel in US dont understand but this is a bigg day in the history of Europe, we hope now to never again see wordwar start in Europe as has been two times , 1914, 1939.
Who could belive this 10 years ago, east and west europe in one organisaition, so now we are almost like the states in US.
Some fear this wery much and think Germany and France will rule and decide evrything, here in Sweden we soon must decide if we want to have the same money as the rest of Europe, EURo is the name of the coin, son we can not decide fore our selfs, evrything must be decided in EU.
Exaiting and perhaps we now walk on the way to peace fore a long time, or we walk on the way to destruction , what do you europeans peopel here think will happend?
The Most Caring Poster.
by orangefatcat inseveral times we have voiced our feelings as to who is the smartest poster.
but how about the most caring and understanding poster.
who shows true empathy for others and their problems.
happy man
I think you have forget Casseline, who i think is one of the most caring peopel i ever meet, if only on intenret, perhaps her terribel expiriens have done her more caring, if you have suffer in some form, it is more easy to understand others who suffer like you have done.
Perhaps we aslo must think about,those who have something to lose, if they show compasion to the peopel here, are the biggest heros?
Latest JW Stats (2002)
by Simon inthe best site on the web:.
one thing that just struck me:.
happy man
Well internet is a very heavy tool fore satan one elder tell me, when i tell him whats happend on our backyard and what im read on internet. Internet is a vocie fore the vociles, perhaps from the lord himself, who nows?
Sometime I wonder about why internet was sett upp just in this times, so evryone can look on thing they never could before.
war in Irak
by happy man in.
it look like busch is going to start war, sad, and unbelevebel that he dont listen to peopel who warning fore the consquenses, this could be the start fore something wery bad, war against musslim an christans all over the world.. .
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/08/international/middleeast/08mili .html?ex=1039928400&en=5ddab7815da6ba8a&ei=5062&partn er=google .
happy man
Well i think this was a sensetive subjekt.
nowan answer on my most important wuie, why can govermet spennd millions of dollars to military systems and war, but not have a fare system fore sick and pore peopel, in sweden we have taxes arond 30 %, and 50 % if you doing a lot of money, but we have free hospital treatment almost free doctors, sure we have some problems in the system, but evryone in the country is promised treatment if they are ill, no madher how much you have in your wallet.
And so this texas thing, here in sweden we only now Texas truh TV stars like Sue Ellen, JR, from Dallas, nice fellows i think, so no complain ther, hmm.
I realy think they have a very happy life in there widh all oil and other things, and so lot of nice womans, you must realy live in a paradise, arent you??
I wish all of you happynes fore ever in your paradise.
By from HM
war in Irak
by happy man in.
it look like busch is going to start war, sad, and unbelevebel that he dont listen to peopel who warning fore the consquenses, this could be the start fore something wery bad, war against musslim an christans all over the world.. .
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/08/international/middleeast/08mili .html?ex=1039928400&en=5ddab7815da6ba8a&ei=5062&partn er=google .
happy man
"Ilam, Dec 7, Iraq confessed that it has used the chemical
weapons against the Iranians during the 1980-1988 war that killed
hundreds of thousands people from both sides.
In an interview with Swedish state-run TV, Iraqi Deputy Prime
Minister Tareq Aziz said on Saturday Baghdad was in some sort forced
to use chemical arms against Iran.
The Iraqi radio which could be heard in Ilam said Iraq had to
recourse to the chemical weapons to defend itself against Iranian
He said Baghdad had not used any chemical weapons in its invasion
of Kuwait.
Egyptian Institute for Strategic Studies previously confirmed
reports that Iraq has used some eight kinds of chemical and biological
weapons against Iran during the eight-year war between the two
Iraq's Azadi Radio quoted the Egyptian institute as saying that
sample-taking from the weapons employed by Iraq against the Iranian
forces during the war revealed the fact that Baghdad used chemical and
biological poisons such as sarin, anthrax, taphoon, kangrin, etc.
Reportedly, Baghdad had earmarked huge budget for developing its
chemical and biological weapons programs.
The same source said that the United States was well aware of the
Iraqi chemical and biological weapons programs against Iran.
Iranian troops were subjected to poison gas attacks during their
1980-1988 war against Iraq as orders were issued by Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein on the use of chemical weapons against the Iranian
It is a proven fact that the Iraqi president has not hesitated to
resort to chemical weapons during the 1980-1988 war between Baghdad
and Tehran.
On October 3, Former US President Bill Clinton said the West was
silent when Iraq used chemical weapons during its 1980-88 war against
A dossier produced earlier by Labor MP Alan Simpson and Glen
Rangwala of Cambridge University, said that the US Secretary of State
at the time acknowledged reports of Iraq's use of chemical weapons as
earlier as 1983 and that this was confirmed by a UN team in 1984.
The US administration provided 'crop-spraying' helicopters to
Iraq, gave Iraq access to intelligence information that allowed Iraq
to 'calibrate' its mustard attacks on Iranian troops (1988), approved
technological exports to Iraq's missile procurement agency to extend
the missiles' range (1988) and blocked bills condemning Iraq in the
House of Representatives (1985) and Senate (1988), it said.
The evidence shows that "Iraq has never used chemical weapons
against an external enemy without the acquiescence of the most
powerful states," the dossier concluded.
-"an interview with Swedish state-run TV"- "I found this stuff, could be intresting in this topic.
war in Irak
by happy man in.
it look like busch is going to start war, sad, and unbelevebel that he dont listen to peopel who warning fore the consquenses, this could be the start fore something wery bad, war against musslim an christans all over the world.. .
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/08/international/middleeast/08mili .html?ex=1039928400&en=5ddab7815da6ba8a&ei=5062&partn er=google .
happy man
I want to give you the wuie of europe, and here is a lot of peopel afraid fore US acktions, and fore that this will be a dissaster fore the world.
I saw on Tv today that Bush have very bigg problems widh the ekonomy, the war cost enormus money, who comes that when it is arms and war, nowan complain, but when it is wellfare and help to pore peopel, then the gowermet have no money, take care of yourself is the messege, as i see it, and some of you say US is the best country inn the word, perhaps fore the rich one, peopel like mee widh ther one company, but defently not fore the peopel , who are sick and have no work.
sweden use to bee pro US, but I think this are going to change if they paly world police, and bomb foren countryies, who never have done anything against US sitisens.Never forget that US NOW is terror bombing Irak evry night and several innocent peopel are killd, as we can read in Sweed newspappers.
what happend if Irak was bombing areas in US evry night, and kill people, you guys must think a littel here, what happend, is it warpropaganda who twisted your minds so much so you can aceppt this terribel things, or is it something else?
as fare as I now Irak have never atack US, they have misstreated ther one people, but if US must ackt in evry case when goverment misstreat peopel, they sure have a big work in a lot of countryies, even in ther one backyard, i think.
Yesterday i hear from a friend who have a contakt widh a former US submarine officer, he said to her that Bush is a typical Texas wild west cowboy, who like to use wild west aktions, and he dissagre coplitly widh hes aktions, so some have a littel sens left.
perhaps hard words , but from our point this war is complitly unessesary, and very dangerus, fore all of us, perhaps most fore the world ekonomy, dispite all lives who going to bee lost.
Never forget when i was in New york and in evry corner read a lot of names of this young man who was killd in a country fare away, and fore what reason ?
I hope that man learn some time, that war is no solution to bad things, it is doing things much worse.
Only look to Israel, dissaster is the result.
widh love from HM
war in Irak
by happy man in.
it look like busch is going to start war, sad, and unbelevebel that he dont listen to peopel who warning fore the consquenses, this could be the start fore something wery bad, war against musslim an christans all over the world.. .
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/08/international/middleeast/08mili .html?ex=1039928400&en=5ddab7815da6ba8a&ei=5062&partn er=google .
happy man
It look like Busch is going to start war, sad, and unbelevebel that he dont listen to peopel who warning fore the consquenses, this could be the start fore something wery bad, war against musslim an christans all over the world.
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/08/international/middleeast/08MILI .html?ex=1039928400&en=5ddab7815da6ba8a&ei=5062&partn er=GOOGLE
Just Get on With Life!
by onacruse ini don't start many threads, but in the last few days several things have happened with me that just compel me.
please don't take this list as anything other than imho thoughts:.
1) i was a baptized jw for 38 years (i'm now 50)---so what?
happy man
And what was so terribel at behtel?
I see a lot who say that, perhaps we also have a lot who say the opposite, i myself never think i will make it , i think it is to much hard dicipline fore mee.
But some peopel like this way of life, not you if I understand your wright.
Question for Happy Man
by JT inhappy man says:.
"elder for 25 year, 5 children, 2 not jw one have been dfd, but now jw again.. i se that you dont answer my qestions, only tell who silly i am, nor soo good arguing.".
first off i would like to welcome you here- as you can see we have a varied cross section of folks here in the community center.. i would like to commend you for at least being brave enough to come to this site and setup an account and post for more than 4- post as well as read amazing very long life story.. would you be willing to share with us what moved you to come to this site in view of what the org teaches on this issue of being in forums like this>.
happy man
I have not seen this messege before, sorry.
Why I am here, why not, I see the tema fore this site, anything JW related, ad it is what it is, never been the kind guy, always a nail in the eye on my fellow elders friends, and ofcourse i see a lot od errors, but where can we not find errors, you have to spend your time where you find less errors.
Other religions are not anything who intrest mee at all, to much more errors ther i think, look at whats happend inn the word.